ONE TWO THREE: Four! Truth be told, for a bunch of headlight nerds: We could not imagine a more perfect projector. The all-new Morimoto Mini D2S 4.0 Bi-xenon takes the cake in every category. A supreme low beam. A High beam so bright it’s unholy. A cutoff line that can’t get any sharper. Quality that nobody can question, and an undeniable ease of installation. If we died and went to headlight heaven, this thing would be greeting us at the gate.
OUTPUT: We’ll just start with the hotspot. It’s brighter than any bi-xenon projector we’ve tested…in fact, it’s so bright that it exceeds the maximum amount of intensity allowed by DOT even at 35W. The beam pattern is extremely wide and flat, with none of the bowing found on the 3.0…all thanks to the beauty in the center of this beast: it’s curved cutoff shield. The Kuria Optic clear lens helps produce plenty of color flicker, but also a razor sharo cutoff line that eliminates all glare to oncoming traffic. Last but not least, the high beam. Shaped by the secondary cutoff shield, there’s plenty of light reserved for use here to penetrate for hundreds of meters at night.
PHYSICALLY SPEAKING: Output isn’t the only thing the 4.0 gets praise for. It’s clear they’ve paid a lot of attention to the physical attributes too. The threaded shaft is longer than before, making it easier to install, and it’s threads are silky smooth (near impossible to strip). The bi-xenon solenoid mechanism has next to no slack, and thankfully this time, the solenoid input actually plug into the back of the projector. The black lens holder gets the cool “4” cut out too! OEM Quality, aftermarket performance. We like it!
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